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The 5 best exercises to build your buttocks quickly


Muscular buttocks with a plump look have been on the rise for several years now. The Kardashians and Nicki Minaj are undisputed emblems of this fashion . Some male icons like footballer David Beckam and Tibo InShape also boast a rounded butt.

Just as one may aim to have defined abs, some specifically target the glutes during their training sessions. In this article, we will reveal to you which exercises are effective for quickly strengthening your glutes.

Note that there is, however, no miracle secret and that to develop your glutes, a suitable diet will necessarily be essential. As part of a slimming goal, our Shape Shake 2.0 could be really useful to you.

Want to work your lower body ? Follow our beginner and intermediate level workouts .

And if you prefer to work the whole body, here are our beginner and advanced level workouts .

You are ready ? Discover all the secrets to working your glutes correctly and obtaining the expected results.

What muscles are the glutes made of?

No matter what part of the body you want to work on, learning about anatomy is always important. This allows you, in addition to knowing the different muscles in this or that area of ​​the body, to understand the effect of different movements and to use your muscles better when you train. Sports like yoga or Pilates can help you become more aware of your body while strengthening your muscles.

This way, you will be better able to concentrate on performing the movements and more aware of what you are doing. As the weeks go by, you may need to readjust your routine and, again, knowing which muscles you want to work on first is a good way to determine which exercises to prioritize. You will certainly find what you are looking for among our multiple workouts .

Your glutes are made up of three muscles that have different functions:

– the gluteus maximus, also called gluteus maximus

– the gluteus medius, also called gluteus medius

– the gluteus minimus, called gluteus minor

While as its name suggests , the gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the buttocks, it is also one of the most powerful in the body. It plays a vital role in stabilization and serves as a thigh extensor on the pelvis but also participates in the external rotation of the thigh. We use it in particular when we go from a sitting position to standing up, when we want to jump or bend. Squats or deadlifts therefore use the gluteus maximus

Located on the side of the buttocks just under the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius has a triangular shape. Its role is to assist the gluteus maximus during extension movements. It serves to keep us in balance. We use the gluteus medius especially when walking. It ensures that we stay in balance.

The gluteus minimus is the deepest muscle of the buttocks. Also triangular in shape, it assumes several functions including that of an accessory hip flexor as well as a rotator.

How to promote muscle building?

Regardless of the muscle area concerned, muscle building takes place at the cellular level and is favored by basic practices such as quality sleep, a suitable diet and, of course, the practice of physical activity, the level of which is gradually increased. difficulty.

Sleep and rest periods are essential for developing your muscles.

One study concluded that lack of sleep has negative consequences on physiology and muscle recovery, particularly due to protein breakdown. So, you need to schedule rest days where you don’t work out and also make sure that you have good sleep hygiene.

Find tips to help you control and optimize your sleep in our article dedicated to 10 foods to sleep better.

Develop your gluteal muscles

Whether you train in the gym or at home, you will need to follow certain rules in order to develop your muscles. Besides, our sedentary lifestyles and the fact that most of us sit at a desk for hours every day often leads us to neglect our gluteal muscles.

Bodyweight training can be effective, especially if you’re just starting out . It is also much gentler because it is less aggressive than bodybuilding with weights. However, you will necessarily have to progress and toughen up the exercises.

This means that over time you will perform longer sets or more sets, perform movements more slowly in order to use the muscles more intensely, or use weights.

For example, start by wearing weighted ankle or wrist bracelets for one set, then two, and wear them more and more often. If you prefer dumbbells, do the same thing. Starting with 500 grams may not seem like much, but it could be enough to toughen up your workout .

The goal is in fact to promote the process of muscular hypertrophy which will gradually allow the volume of your muscles to increase, that is to say that you will gain muscle mass .

The top 5 exercises to strengthen your buttocks

Building a workout to strengthen your glutes is a good idea. Even if sessions working the whole body may suit you, especially if your goal is to stay in shape, targeting different areas of the body in turn is ideal if you want to gain muscle mass.

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